Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thanks to Globalization I am Finally Sated

Or so I thought until I looked up from my Pringle munching to notice the "Meet Jimmie at the 2007 Ford 400."

I bought the Pringles in question this afternoon at JIT, the establishment that passes as a grocery store here. All things considered, its bizarre mix of products from all sorts of odd countries of origin gets the non-perishable items job done, al beit at an outrageous price.

There is pasta. There is sauce. There are black olives. There are cookies and there is juice. Weirdly couldn't resist picking up a jar. I like black olives on salad and pizza, but haven't been known to eat them under any other circumstances. These are desperate times.

Meat, milk, eggs, butter, cheese, ice cream are items reserved for the rareified air of the UNMIS compound, which I have no access too and a few as yet to be discovered, though rumored to exist establishments around town.

The Pringles situation nearly ruined my buzz from my culinary discovery of the day; there is a Thai restaurant in this hole!

I couldn't believe my palate or eyes. Honest to god Thais, cooking Thai food that tasted like thai food! And it wasn't that outrageous. There is food to eat. I will survive.

If it weren't for globalization, I don't know what I would do. Thais in Juba. Thai food in Juba being served to me by a Rwandan? Yes, this town is a destination for so many fro the world over, so interesting!

It's all relative I suppose. When you're used to certain conditions that might not differ terribly from what Juba is, it probably seems like heading here is worth a shot. Good money to be had in the hospitality industry judging by the menu prices and what I've heard a waiter fetches on a monthly basis. Guess our mother was right, we should have been waiters and waitresses.

I am deeply fascinated by the idea that people come here seeking opportunity. Not that I didn't do that myself, but I obviously look at what I have done in a different light. This is because I come from and return to a civilized place. I am not leaving dubious conditions for even more dubious ones in pursuit of a future. Maybe my approach is the one that is really odd?


After closer examination, inspite of the musty smell of the can, the Pringles are a good 8 weeks from their expiration date of 01/2009. Nothing to worry about afterall, but you can imagine my surprise after seeing good ol' Jimmie and 2007 Ford 400 on the can.

I think Pringles are the new astronaut food, the sure seem to have a nice shelf life!


  1. look for some Twinkies next times! Those have a good shelf half-life too! Or SPAM!

  2. Wow! Pringles and Thai food. Aren't you just in culinary heaven!!
    Have you found peanut butter, yet?

  3. No peanut butter yet, just nutella. I need to find peanut butter. It was my lunch today. I was gagging on the lentil mush. It was good the first few times, or well, edible, but today I couldn't deal.
