Friday, January 30, 2009

I'll take 5 Realms Please

Realms, rim, rimm or ream? It's a ream of paper, right? I've been trying to introduce real procurement procedures here, among them the idea of forecasting needs and buying in bulk. I've started off with office consumables and paper being the primary consumable, it gets a lot of attention.

I've been requesting quotes from various parties and in response a number of strang sounding products and interesting offers have been presented; realms, rim and rimm. My personal fav are the realms. I am thinking a few alternative realms here in Juba wouldn't hurt. Would allow for easy R & R, just tear open a realm and off I'll go.


  1. Wish I could send you some Ray Bradbury stories. Perkie and I were just talking about him this morning at breakfast.

  2. Spellcheck: Strang? products.

    Sppoky alt. universe Ray Bradbury story "The Pedestrian" is on its way to you.
